
Part One


  • Do you have a big family or small family?/How many members in your family?
    I have a small family, which only includes my father, my mother and I.

  • Are you close to your family members?
    Yes, I think I’m very close to my parents. I like sharing the interesting trivias(琐事) that happend to my campus life with my mother. And when I need to make some important decisions, I will discuss them with my father. So my parents give me lots of support and I very love them.
    (what trivias? what did I dream about last night, recent weather is so hot, like such things)

  • What do you like to do with your family?
    Because my hometown is not Wuhan, so I can only make a phone call with my parents to share my campus life when I’m in school. But when holiday comes, my family will have a reunion. And I enjoy watching movie with my parents very much.
    (what movie? comedy,which can bring us lots of joy and a good mood)

  • What do your parents do for a living?
    My mother is a doctor and my father is a company employee.

  • Is it a good thing to be the only one child in a family?
    Yes I think it is. Though there is no sibling who can go to school together or catch up on gossip with me, I can do these with my parents, classmates or friends. And having only one child can also reduce the financial burden of my family.

  • What are the good things and bad things of a big/small family?
    If it is a big family, we will have more intimate persons to share the interesting things in our life. But because there are too many people in family, it will be more likely to happen family conflicts.
    If it is a small family, we can have more time which only belong to ourselves. And the financial burden of family will be less. But the bad is that the small family will not be as lively as the big family.

  • 最喜欢和亲戚/妹妹(younger sister)干的事情
    go shopping, watch movie, doing sports, go out for dinner, (favourate food–hot pot,It is famous for having lots of pepperies and the hot taste. People gather around a small pot boiled with vegetables, meat, and many other things with delicious soup base)


  • Do you have many friends?
    Yes, I feel that I’m a cheerful boy and I enjoy making friends.

  • Are you good at making new friends?
    Yes, I think I’m good at it.(How? Firstly, you need to be active. Let others feel that you are an easy-going one. Then, it will be useful to find some common hobbies between you, which will bring many topics you can talk about.)

  • What kind of quelities do you look for in you friends?
    I prefer the friends who are active and warm-hearted. So we can share with joy and sadness. And when we face some difficult conditions, we can help each other and encourage each other.

  • How can you keep in touch with your friend?
    I prefer to keep in touch by face-to-face communicating, which I think is the best way to express our emotion.

  • Do you believe friendship can last forever?
    Yes, I believe that if we can keep in touch with each other usually, the firendship can last forever.


  • What kind of food do you like?(favorite flavor?)
    I like food taste spicy, it’s delicious.

  • Can you cook? Are you good at it?
    No, I can’t. But I plan to learn how to cook.(Why? I think cooking is an important skill for people. If we cook by ourselves, we can have the food fits us most at any time. And we can also have a well-balanced diet.)

  • Do you think cooking is an important skill for people to learn?

  • What kind of food is popular in China?
    hot pot. It is popular for having lots of pepperies and the hot taste. People gather around a small pot boiled with vegetables, meat, and many other things with delicious soup base.

  • Do you often have meals with your family? Is it important to have meal with your family?
    No, because I’m studing in Wuhan but my parents are working in Zhengzhou.(可能会引到家乡相关话题)
    和家人一起吃饭好处:When we are having meal together, we can chat with each other, which can promote the relationship and maintain bonds with family members.

  • Do you like fast food?
    No, personally I think it has too much fat and calories, posing a health problem such as obesity, heart disease risk and so on. So I don’t very like it.

  • What kind of food can be classified into healthy food?
    As far as I am concerned, the most important thing is well-balanced diet. That’s to say, we should have different kinds of food in a proper protion.For example, we shoule eat some vegetables, and also eat some meat, some furit, and so on, rather than take one single kind of food too much.


  • Where do you come from?Can you tell me something about your hometown?
    Zhengzhou is an inland city, located in the centre of China. So if you want to go for a travel, it will be very convenient, no matter by train or by palne.
    And zhengzhou is also a city of inclusiveness and openness, welcoming people from all over the world. I very like my hometown.

  • 家乡的饮食
    We like eating noodles, it’s very delicious and convenient. And we can make different flavors of noodles according to our preferences.

  • 怎么评价郑州的交通
    Not so good.
    Because Zhengzhou is developing rapidly, there are many buildings, subway stations being constructed by the roadside, causing some trafiic problems. So if you gou out in rush hour or at weekends, you will be highly likely to meet a traffic jam.

  • 如何评价西安
    Xian is an international city of inclusiveness and openness.

Weather & Season

I prefer the weather which is cool. If weather is too hot, I will feel very impatient and hardly to work efficiently.
My favourite season is autumn. It is cool.
When it is spring or autumn, the temperature is at a moderate level, so we can go camping or do most kinds of sports. But when it is summer or winter, the extreme temperature will limit people’s outdoor activities. If it is me, I will prefer to stay at home.


最喜欢的国内节日:My favorite festival in China is Spring Festival, when I will be reunited with my parents, my grandparents, my cousins. And we can have a holiday to break from work. We can go shopping, see a movie, sing karaoke, play video games, and so on.
最喜欢的国外节日:Sorry I don’t know much about the foreign festivals. I only konw there will be a great dinner at Thanksgiving Day, including a big turkey. I feel that it must be very delicious.


政府采取的措施:limit the amounts of car. If you want to buy car, there will be many restrictions. And the car will also be limited to be driven out one day a week acoording to their car numbers.
最喜欢的交通工具(远途):If I take a long-distance trip, my favourite transportation is train. Since it is very convient. The train station usually locates in the centre of city, while the airport is far away from city. Besides, the price of train tickets is much cheaper than plane tickets.

Hobby & Interests



  • 种类
    Yes, I do. I am fond of light music. Listening light music can help me concentrate on the work. And as long as I couldn’t go to sleep, I’d like to listen to some light music to calm myself down.

  • 歌手
    My favorite singer is Kelly Chen, who is a HongKong Singer. She has a very nice voice and High level of singing skills. Her songs all sounds wonderful.



Part Two

Part Three

  • Which program have you applied?/Which program do you plan to study in the UK?
    I have applied the

  • Why do you apply to/want to study this program?

  • What do you want to do in the future and why?
    Dream job

  • How will doing this course help you with your future career plans?

  • Can you name some of the modules in your program?

  • What challenges will you face when you go to UK as a student? And how do you plan to overcome/conquer them?


  • 没听清考官问题
    Sorry I don’t understand the question very well. Could you please ask it again
    Sorry, I didn’t quite catch the question. Could you please repeat it?
    So sorry, could you please rephrase(转述) the question?(适合考官态度比较和蔼的情况)
    Well, my best guess would be…(考官态度不好,就诚实坦白自己没听懂这个问题,接下来的回答都是在猜)

  • 我喜欢
    I like doing
    I enjoy doing
    I prefer to do sth
    I’m a big fan of…

  • 我想,我认为
    I think (that)
    I feel that
    As far as I am concerned:就我看来
    in my view
    in my opinion

  • 表让步
    Although = though
    No matter how/what/who
    as long as:只要

  • 表原因
    (simply) Because
    Because of
    The reason why… is that
    As a result of sth.

  • 表结果
    = Thus
    = Therefore

  • 表转折
    Instead of

  • 举例子
    for example
    for instance
    such as

It is well acknowledged that the sector of Computer and Internet is sunrise industry. And after my graduation, there will be a guarantee for my future job hunting.So I could get a well-paid job.

keep in a good shape/live a well-balanced life
Because of my program, I have to sit in front of the computer all day long, so I’d better live a healthier life by doing some sports.

My views are as follows:
put the xxx on an important position
结尾综上所述:above all

We shouldn’t pay attention to how much money they get, what we should concern about is that if they deserve it.
And in my opinion, if one soccer player want to make an achivement, he must train hard, keep shape, have a balanced diet. And he will always be under lots of pressure. So it is not as easy as we think. So I don’t thinks it’s unfair.

Post Date: 2018-01-13

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